
Cobb Tax Payer, Chairmen
Cobb Tax Payer, Chairmen
Lance Lamberton, as chairman and founder of the Cobb Taxpayers Association, has worked tirelessly to reduce taxes and government spending on the state and local level.

Lamberton worked previously as the Deputy Director of the White House Office of Policy Information during President Reagan’s first term. As chairman of the Cobb Taxpayers Association, he played a key leadership role in opposing the 2005 and 2011 Cobb County SPLOSTs, as well as the T-SPLOST, which was rejected by Cobb County voters by 69 percent of the electorate.

Lamberton resides with his wife Cheryl, in Austell, Georgia, and works as a media relations consultant for VNR-1 Communications, an Arlington, Texas based public relations firm.
