Letter sent to Cobb Board of Commissioners Chairwoman, Lisa Cupid

The following letter was sent via email to Ms. Cupid on the morning of Tuesday, October 15th.

Dear Ms. Cupid:

While there is little that we agree on, I think we can both agree that a well informed citizenry is the best safeguard for our political liberties. Therefore, I was shocked and dismayed at the results of a recent survey that showed that somewhere close to two out of three Cobb County residents are not even aware that the M-SPLOST is going to be on the ballot.

In an effort to remedy that situation and give both of us an opportunity to showcase our positions with respect to M-SPLOST, I invite you to debate me on the subject. My terms and conditions are modest and should easily meet with your assent, to wit: Each of us are allowed to make an opening and closing statement. Questions would be poised from a neutral moderator or moderators who could then take written questions from the audience. I suggest the whole event should take no more than an hour. The time and place could be of your choosing. I believe the local chapter of the League of Women Voters would be glad to sponsor the event, and I also know that the Mableton Improvement Coalition has expressed an interest.

However, if we are going to make this happen we need to move swiftly. November 5th is right around the corner. Please provide me with your response no later than three days from today.

Sincerely yours,

Lance Lamberton, Chairman

Cobb Taxpayers Association

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